The road workers of SÚC PSK, when assessing the technical and static condition of the structures of the road network of our region, use the most modern equipment for their diagnosis, which are currently on the market.
One of them is the Georadar GPR Stream C of Italian production, which is an irreplaceable helper not only in the process of preparing technical documents for the development of project documentation of buildings, but also in the phase of diagnosing the current state of road structures.
The device is used to carry out a subsurface survey of roads, in the framework of which it sends high-frequency radio waves into the road body, which, when they encounter an obstacle with different conductive properties than the surroundings, 34 integrated antennas record this change and project it on the display in real time.
Through this georadar, the employees of the diagnostics, quality and complaints department of SÚC PSK can identify the type, dimensions, arrangement and current condition of the underlying layers, and at the same time locate (the radar is equipped with a GPS module) and map in 3D the position of underground utility lines, pipelines and other objects , located under the surface of the road body.
The price of the device is approximately €103,000.