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We also actively apply for EU resources for road projects

17. April 2023
Daniel Guľaša

Given that the investment plan of SÚC PSK is becoming more and more ambitious and financially costly every year, the organization tries to actively use, in addition to its own resources, funds from the EU and the state budget in turning its construction plan into reality.

A good example is the cross-border cooperation program Interreg Poland – Slovakia 2021 – 2027, through which last month SÚC PSK together with 5 Polish partners submitted a total of 10 project applications for road projects for a non-refundable financial contribution in the total value of 22 .9 million €.

Administrative control of project applications is currently underway by Interreg’s governing body – the Joint Secretariat in Krakow, which will be followed by their professional evaluation. Opinions on success should be known at the turn of June/July.

In case of successful approval of these road projects, more than 9 million € should be reinvested on the Slovak side.

Let’s cross our fingers together. We will keep you informed about further developments.

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