Central Dispatch (Nonstop 24-hour daily)
about us

We manage and maintain the roads of the Prešov self-governing region

SÚC PSK was established by the Articles of Incorporation dated 07.10.2003, as amended and supplemented.

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about us
Powers and competences of SÚC PSK:
  1. the organization carries out activities to fulfill the founder’s tasks,
  2. the main purpose of the organization is to exercise PSK’s ownership rights to roads owned by PSK,
  3. management and maintenance of roads owned by the Prešov self-governing region, their parts and accessories,
  4. maintenance of roads owned by the Slovak Republic located on the territory of the Prešovský self-governing region on the basis of a contract with the Slovak Road Administration within the meaning of clause § 3f Act. no. 135/1961 Coll. on land roads (road law), as amended,
  5. investment activity on the roads owned by the Prešov self-governing region and associated modifications, and in connection with the improvement of the conditions for the performance of the organization’s operational activities,
  6. the mission, tasks and organizational structure of the organization shall be determined by the organizational rules issued by the director of the organization after the prior approval of the founder.
o nas sucpsk
 o nsa sucpsk
organizational structure
Directorate of SÚC PSK
Basic parameters of our organization
Number of employees of the organization
Length of managed roads II. classes in km
Length of managed roads III. classes in km
To fulfill its purpose:
  1. keeps records of the property of the Prešov self-governing region entrusted to the administration of the SÚC PSK,
  2. ensures inspections of roads owned by the Prešov self-governing region and owned by the Slovak Republic located on the territory of the Prešov self-governing region where this activity is transferred to PSK, or at SÚC PSK on the basis of a contract,
  3. ensures inspections of bridges owned by the Prešov self-governing region and owned by the Slovak Republic located on the territory of the Prešov self-governing region where this activity is transferred to PSK, or at SÚC PSK on the basis of a contract,
  4. ensures repairs and maintenance of roads in order to eliminate defects in the passability, wear or damage of these roads, their parts and accessories,
  5. ensures repairs and maintenance of bridges,
  6. ensures winter and summer road maintenance,
  7. plans the preparation and ensures the construction of roads owned by the Prešov self-governing region according to the state concept of highways and roads,
  8. provides information and documents on the planning, preparation and construction of roads owned by the Prešov self-governing region for the purpose of processing the concept of highways and roads free of charge to the relevant ministry,
  9. carries out road traffic census on roads owned by the Prešov self-governing region during the national census in its own name and at its own expense, provides the results of this census free of charge to the relevant ministry at the specified time, or conducts a census for the purposes of its own needs in connection with investment preparation,
  10. provides data on the passability of roads to the relevant ministry and data from the technical records of roads owned by the Prešov self-governing region,
  11. ensures the construction and technical equipment of roads owned by the Prešov self-governing region,
  12. ensures investment activity on roads owned by the Prešov self-governing region and in their protective zones,
  13. ensures other activities arising from the rights and obligations established by Act No. 135/1961 Coll. on land roads (road law), as amended,
  14. performs activities on the basis of concluded contracts with administrators of local and purpose-built roads in the public interest and on the basis of decisions of road administrative bodies.
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