The administration and maintenance of the roads of the Prešov self-governing region (hereinafter referred to as “SÚC PSK”) is a mandatory entity pursuant to Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on free access to information and on the amendment of certain laws as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Information Act”). Everyone has the right to access information that is available to the obligated person. The information is made available without proving a legal or other reason or interest for which the information is requested. The obliged person makes available all information available to him. An exception is established by the Information Act (§ 8 – § 12).
In accordance with § 3 of the Information Act, SÚC PSK makes available the information it has at its disposal and the publication of which is not expressly excluded by other regulations.
A request to make information available to you can be submitted:
a) in writing to the address: Správa a údržba ciest Prešovského samosprávneho kraja Jesenná 14 080 01 Prešov |
b) in person to the SÚC PSK office at the given address at work. days from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. |
c) by phone on the number: 0907 671 381 at work. days from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. |
d) by e-mail to the e-mail address: |
Disclosure of information upon request
The request for the provision of information can be submitted in writing, verbally, by e-mail or in another technically feasible way. Applications submitted by e-mail can be submitted without a time limit.
Requirements of the application
According to the Information Act, it is necessary to state in the request for making information available:
The request is submitted on the day it was notified to the person responsible for acting on the matter.
If the request for making information available does not have the aforementioned prescribed requirements, the SÚC PSK will invite the applicant to complete the request within the specified period (he will be given a period of at least 7 days). If, despite the invitation, the applicant does not complete the application and the information cannot be made available due to this lack, the SÚC PSK postpones the application.
Deadline for processing the application and forwarding the application
Pursuant to § 17 of the Information Act, the SÚC PSK processes the application without delay, at the latest within 8 working days from the date of submission or from the date of removal of deficiencies in the application according to § 14 par. 2 and 3 and within 15 working days, if information is made available to a blind person in an accessible form according to § 16 par. 2, unless the Information Act provides otherwise.
For serious reasons, the SÚC PSK may extend the deadline, but at most by 8 working days and by 15 working days, if the information is made available to a blind person in an accessible form according to § 16 par. 2. The extension of the deadline will be notified to the applicant, stating the reasons that led to the extension of the deadline.
If the SÚC PSK does not have the required information available and if it has knowledge of where the required information can be obtained, it will forward the request within 5 days from the date of delivery of the request to the obliged person who has the required information available, otherwise it will reject the request by decision according to § 18 of the Information Act. The obliged person shall immediately notify the applicant of the transfer of the application.
Restrictions on access to information
In the event that the information cannot be provided due to the restrictions on access to information established by the Information Act (§8 – §12), the SÚC PSK will reject the request by decision. All restrictions on the right to information are carried out by the SÚC PSK by making available the required information, including accompanying information, after excluding the information for which it is stipulated by law.
If the SÚC PSK does not comply with the request, even if only partially, it will issue a written decision on this within the deadline set by the Information Act. We will not issue a decision if the application was postponed due to deficiencies (Section 14, paragraph 3).
An appeal against the decision not to make information available can be filed within 15 days from its delivery to the SÚC PSK in accordance with § 19 par. 1 of the Information Act. The head of the director’s section decides on an appeal against the decision of the SÚC PSK within 15 days from the date of delivery of the appeal by the liable person (§ 19, paragraph 3 of the Information Act). The decision to reject the application can be reviewed in court proceedings according to a special law.