Road II/537 is of regional importance and connects the 2 regions of the Prešovský self-governing region and the Žilina self-governing region, it serves to connect the adjacent towns and villages of PSK to roads I/18 and I/66 and then to the comprehensive TEN-T network. Road II/537 passes through extravillas and intravillages of several municipalities in the direction from Liptovské Hrádek, where it connects to road I/18 to Tatranská Kotlina, where it connects to road I. class I/66. The project in question deals with its reconstruction in the section from Pavúča dolina to the intersection with road I/66 in a total length of approx. 43 km. In the addressed area, given the current condition of the roadway, its condition does not meet the current traffic load and the conditions imposed on road traffic safety. For the reasons mentioned, it is necessary to design traffic-technically better safety elements of communication and to modify the structure of the roadway in degraded sections.
The goal is ensuring the connection of regions to Class I roads and the TEN-T infrastructure, regional communication and improving the construction and technical condition of the road network with an impact on improving the safety and flow of road traffic, reducing the number of accidents, reducing the energy demand of transport, and reducing negative impacts on the environment. The modernization of road II/537 has a significant impact on improving the accessibility of residents to basic social services and civic amenities, and is also used as a link between the industrial and cultural centers of PSK.
Implementation of the project is that dangerous elements will be eliminated, which will have a beneficial effect on reducing the time of traffic on the road, will contribute to saving time, will improve the flow of traffic and thus its traffic safety. Overall, road transport conditions will improve for residents and visitors of the functional region of Prešov, Poprad. These facts will have a proportional effect on increasing the attractiveness of the region, mobility and ecological transport will increase, which will improve the quality of the environment of the affected country. The result of the project is mainly the reconstruction and modernization of road II. classes.
The global goal of the Integrated Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 (IROP) is to contribute to improving the quality of life and ensure the sustainable provision of public services with an impact on balanced and sustainable territorial development, economic, territorial and social cohesion of regions, cities and municipalities.
Investment shares, basic information:
Reconstruction of 43 km of road II. of the class known as the FREEDOM PATH
Type of communication: road II/537
Road category: 9.5/60
The total scope of the reconstruction:
26 bridges
1 half overpass
14 supports
12 frame walls
96 culverts
4 rest areas
Elimination of safety risks on road II/537, Podbanské – Pavúčia dolina (section I)
Elimination of safety risks on road II/537, Pavúčia dolina – intersection with road II/538 (section II)
Elimination of safety risks on road II/537, intersection with road II/538 – Batizovský potok (III. section)
Elimination of safety risks on road II/537, Batizovský potok – Starý Smokovec (IV section)
Elimination of safety risks on road II/537, Starý Smokovec – Tatranské Matliare (V. section)
Elimination of safety risks on road II/537, Tatranské Matliare – intersection with road I/66 (section VI)
Elimination of safety risks on bridges and retaining walls on road II/537
Funding sources:
Projects financed from the Integrated Regional Operational Program 2014-2020
Estimated total costs 42 million. euro
**Approved requests for a non-refundable financial contribution – approved amount of NFP (85% of IROP and 10% of the State budget)
**the goals are in accordance with the valid Territorial Plan of PSK and the valid Program of Economic and Social Development of PSK for the program period 2014-2020 (extended validity until 31.12.2022)
Preparatory works from 2022:
• felling of trees and trusses in accordance with the issued permits – took place from the beginning of January to the end of March 2022
• preparation and execution of a contract to ensure the milling of tree stumps, cleaning of wood after felling, disposal of wood, loading, export in a scope related to the implementation of the construction with effect from 22.6.2022 (contract no. 096-4300/084ZNH/2022)
• ongoing proceedings in the matter of issuing Decisions on the felling of trees growing outside the forest on rest areas and paved areas
Currently ongoing public procurement – the process of evaluating bids for the construction contractor of sections II., III., IV. and in.
Proposed work procedure – route II/537:
• delineation of all underground utility networks in the affected area by their owners, or administrators
• felling of bushes and trees
• humus removal
• road milling, demolition work
• excavations
• preparation and compaction of the subsoil
• construction of the body of the road to the plain
• construction of a new road structure
• cleaning and paving ditches
• reconstruction of culverts
• backfilling of roadsides
• installation of barriers
• finishing work
Proposed work procedure – bridges:
• laying out utility networks and their modification/relaying
• removal of the bridge top
• demolition of transition boards and closing walls (after evaluation by the designer on site)
• excavation of transitional areas (depending on the condition of the existing ones)
• construction of transition areas including drainage
• production of transition boards (according to the condition of the original ones)
• production of leveling concrete on the supporting structure
• chipping (shotting) of the leveling layer surface as a base for insulation
• bridge waterproofing
• realization of the bridge top
• cleaning surfaces (concrete, stone cladding) with a high-pressure water jet
• renovation of visible and soffit parts of the supporting structure and ledges on the bridge wings
• unifying coating of concrete surfaces
• laying of utility networks, completion
• repair of stone masonry and grouting of the masonry of the lower structure
• modifications under the bridge (cleaning of deposits, removal of vegetation, felling max. 3.0 m from the foot of the slope/slope cones or from the outline of the bridge)
• finishing work
Section I – Elimination of safety risks on road II/537, Podbanské – Pavúčia dolina:
Co-financing source: IROP
End date: 12/2023
Length of the road Section: 7,620 km
Construction period: 240 calendar days
Road II/537 passes through extravillas and intravillages of several municipalities in the direction from Liptovský Hrádok, connecting to road I/18 to Tatranská Kotlina and to road I. class I/66. The project in question deals with the reconstruction of the section from Podbanské to Pavúčia dolina, on road II/537 in km 18.510 – 26.130.
Scope of the project:
101-00 Road II/537
201-00 Bridge 537-012 over the river Belá in the settlement of Podbanské
202-00 Bridge 537-013 over the Belanka stream
II. section – Elimination of safety risks on road II/537, Pavúčia dolina – intersection with road II/538:
Co-financing source: IROP
End date: 12/2023
Length of the road Section: 7,370 km
Construction Plan: 2022-2023
Construction period: 450 calendar days
Road II/537 passes through extravillas and intravillages of several municipalities in the direction from Liptovský Hrádok, connecting to road I/18 to Tatranská Kotlina and to road I. class I/66. The project in question deals with its reconstruction in the section from Pavúča dolina to the intersection with road II/538 in km 26,130 – 33,500.
Scope of the project:
102-00 Road II/537
203-00 Bridge 537-014 over a mountain stream, Pavúčia dolina
204-00 Bridge 537-016 over the stream Zlomisko behind the settlement of Tri studničky
205-00 Most 537-018 over the mountain stream in front of Štrbské Pleso
III. section – Elimination of safety risks on road II/537, intersection with road II/538 – Batizovský potok:
Co-financing source: IROP
End date: 12/2023
Length of the road Section: 7,350 km
Construction period: 450 calendar days
Road II/537 passes through extravillas and intravillages of several municipalities in the direction from Liptovský Hrádok, connecting to road I/18 to Tatranská Kotlina and to road I. class I/66. The project in question deals with the reconstruction of the section from the intersection with road II/538 to Batizovský potok, in km 33,500 – 40,850.
Scope of the project:
103-00 Road II/537
206-00 Bridge 537-020 over the Mlynica stream
208-00 Most 537-023 over Rinčový stream behind Nové Štrbské Pleso
209-00 Bridge 537-025 over the stream Malý Šum in front of Vyšné Hágy
291-00 Semi-overpass at km 35.180 – 35.330
271-00 Frame wall in km 35,126
272-00 Frame wall in km 38,081
273-00 Frame wall in km 38,258
274-00 Frame wall in km 38,821
275-01 Frame wall in km 39,720
275-02 Frame wall in km 39,735
276-00 Frame wall in km 39,9
111-00 Rest area in km 33,750 (rest stop eagle)
112-00 Rest area in km 36,950 (rest stop bear)
113-00 Rest area in km 40,000 (rest stop lynx)
IV. section – Elimination of safety risks on road II/537, Batizovský potok – Starý Smokovec:
Co-financing source: IROP
Termination Date: 12/2023
Length of Section: 7,550 km
Construction Period: 450 calendar days
Road II/537 passes through extravillas and intravillages of several municipalities in the direction from Liptovský Hrádok, connecting to road I/18 to Tatranská Kotlina and to road I. class I/66. The project in question deals with its reconstruction in the section from Batizovský potok to Starý Smokovec, in km 40,850 – 48,400.
Scope of the project:
104-00 Road II/537
211-00 Bridge 537-028 over the Kahule stream in front of the village of Tatranská Polianka
212-00 Bridge 537-028A over the nameless stream in Nova Polianka near the furnace
213-00 Most 537-029 over the Štos stream in front of Tatranská Polianka
215-00 Bridge 537-030A over a nameless stream in Tatranská Polianka
216-00 Most 537-031 over Slavkovský potok in Tatranské zruby
217-00 Bridge 537-032 over the stream in front of Smokovec
218-00 Bridge 537-033 over the stream in Smokovec
219-00 Bridge 537-034 over the Smokovec stream
220-00 Bridge 537-036 over the Smokovec stream
277-01 Retaining wall at km 41,036
277-02 Retaining wall at km 41,000
278-00 Retaining wall at km 44,417
114-00 Rest area at km 43,500 (chamois rest area)
Section V – Elimination of safety risks on road II/537, Starý Smokovec – Tatranské Matliare:
Co-financing source: IROP
End date: 12/2023
Lenght of the road section: 6,164 km
Construction plan: 2022-2023
Construction period: 450 calendar days
Road II/537 passes through extravillas and intravillages of several municipalities in the direction from Liptovský Hrádok, connecting to road I/18 to Tatranská Kotlina and to road I. class I/66. The project in question deals with its reconstruction in the section from Starý Smokovec to Tatranské Matliare in km 48,400 – 53,345 and km 54,830 – 56,049
Scope of the project:
105-00 Road II/537
279-00 Frame wall at km 52,437
280-00 Frame wall at km 52,437
VI. section – Elimination of safety risks on road II/537, Tatranské Matliare – intersection with road I/66:
Co-financing source: IROP
End date: 12/2023
Lenght of the road section: 6,122 km
Construction period: 480 calendar days
Road II/537 passes through extravillas and intravillages of several municipalities in the direction from Liptovský Hrádok, connecting to road I/18 to Tatranská Kotlina and to road I. class I/66. The section in question deals with its reconstruction in the section from Tatranské Matliare to the intersection with road I/66, at km 56.049 – km 62.171.
Scope of the project:
106-00 Road II/537
223-00 Bridge 537-039 over a stream in Tatranské Matliare
224-00 Bridge 537-042 over the stream behind Tatranská Lomnica
225-00 Bridge 537-043 behind Tatranská Lomnica
226-00 Bridge 537-044 over the Čierna voda stream behind Tatranská Lomnica
227-00 Bridge 537-045 over the Hučava stream behind the Tatranská Lomnica
Elimination of safety risks on bridges and retaining walls on road II/537:
Co-financing source: IROP
End date: 12/2023
Lenght of the road section: 2,782 km
Construction period: 480 calendar days
Road II/537 passes through extravillas and intravillages of several municipalities in the direction from Liptovský Hrádok, connecting to road I/18 to Tatranská Kotlina and to road I. class I/66. The project in question deals with the elimination of safety risks on retaining walls on bridge structures on road II/537, at km 33,960 – 52,000.
Scope of the project:
100-00 Road II/537
207-00 Bridge 537-021 over the Poprad river behind the Nové Štrbské pleso
210-00 Bridge 537-026 across the Suchá voda stream and ALSO behind the settlement of Vyšné Hágy
214-00 Bridge 537-030 across Velický potok and ALSO in front of Tatranská Polianka
221-00 Bridge 537-037 through Studený potok behind Smokovec
210-01 Retaining wall in front of the bridge č. 537-026
210-02 Retaining wall behind the bridge č. 537-026