Central Dispatch (Nonstop 24-hour daily)

From the life of a road worker #2 ǀ Installation of road direction posts

27. February 2023
Daniel Guľaša

The employees of SÚC PSK also install road directional posts (RDP) as part of their activities..

RDP are among the leading safety devices, the function of which is to facilitate the perceptibility of the directional course and width arrangement of land traffic.

RDP can be white or blue in color. White RDP is deployed by employees of SÚC PSK along the entire road route. On bridges and road sections in the immediate vicinity of bridges, white RDPs are complemented by blue RDPs. Blue RDP can also be installed in other road sections outside bridges, e.g. in places where there is a possibility of frequent frost and fog.

In 2022, SÚC PSK road workers on roads II. and III. classes of our region installed and replaced a total of 13,141 pieces of RDP.

The video captures the deployment of a RDP on road III/3496 in the extravilla of the village of Tročany (Bardejov district).

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