Central Dispatch (Nonstop 24-hour daily)


7. July 2022
Daniel Guľaša

The Administration and Maintenance of Roads of the Prešov Self-Governing Region (SÚC PSK) is sensitive to the issue of ensuring mobility, accessibility and traffic service in the towns and villages of our region, which is evidenced by the organization’s more ambitious plan of investment actions every year. As part of it, much attention is paid to the modernization and improvement of the road network of regions with high tourist potential, including the recreational area of Domaša.

SÚC PSK, in the interest of increasing the attractiveness of this recreational area and helping the development of tourism in it, decided to reconstruct one of the important routes bringing tourists to Domaša – road III/3635 in the section Malá Domaša-Detrík.

The construction work, which was officially started yesterday (July 6, 2022), will last until May next year. Their focus will be on:

  • the reconstruction of the 940 m long section of the road III/3635, which includes the replacement of the structural layers of the road, the modification of the subsoil of the road and the creation of paved ditches for the capture of surface water
  • reconstruction of bridge building no. 3635-001, bridging the Ondava stream in the extravilla of Malá Domaša village, through replacement of damaged bridge ends with new ones, reconstruction of cornices and rehabilitation of safety devices
  • reconstruction of two culverts
  • stabilization of a dangerous landslide

The total amount of funds that the investor (SÚC PSK) plans to use for the implementation of the given reconstruction is more than 2.1 million. €. The construction is co-financed by European sources (IROP), Slovakia and the Prešov self-governing region.

During the implementation of the construction works, traffic restrictions in the form of a partial road closure will apply in the given section. The traffic, which will be led alternately in one lane in both directions, will be regulated by portable traffic signs. Road users must also expect a reduced permitted speed of 30 km/h.

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